La Armada Argentina suscribirá un convenio para construir un polo logístico Antártico
Muelle naval mixto
La Armada Argentina suscribirá un convenio para construir un polo logístico Antártico
( M. Borches, Buenos Aires - El Ministerio de Defensa suscribirá junto a otras instituciones del país el presente mes de febrero un convenio que tendrá como objetivo encarar la cooperación técnico-científica y académica para llevar a cabo la construcción en los próximos meses de un muelle naval mixto en la punta oriental de la península de Ushuaia.
Según la Armada Argentina, firmarán el documento el ministro de Defensa, Dr. Arturo Puricelli junto al Decano de la Facultad de Ingeniera de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FI-UBA), Ing. Carlos Alberto Rosito; el ministro de Planificación y Servicios Públicos, Arquitecto Julio De Vido; la gobernadora de la provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida Argentina e Islas del Atlántico Sur, Fabiana Ríos; el director Nacional del Antártico, doctor Mariano Arnaldo Memolli y autoridades de la Secretaría de Transporte de la Nación y de la Subsecretaría de Puertos y Vías Navegables.
La construcción del nuevo muelle tendrá una función dual; es decir que servirá tanto para la albegar a cruceros y transatlánticos que recorren las aguas atlánticas más australes, como para la puesta en marcha del estratégico Polo Logístico Antártico Internacional y el futuro traslado de la Base Naval Ushuaia Almirante Berisso.
Las características de diseño del muelle mixto, que conformará un complejo multimodal, permitirán brindar servicios y el amarre de buques que actualmente forman parte del Área Naval Austral y la Armada Argentina, y de los buques de todos los países amigos de la Argentina que realizan actividades logísticas y científicas en la Antártida.
Uno de los principales objetivos del futuro muelle, además, es que sirva como asiento permanente para el rompehielosARA 'Alte. Irizar', una vez que el mismo haya sido reparado/modernizado y vuelva a entrar en funciones. Para la puesta en marcha de este estratégico plan, desde el Estado argentino se constituyó el Fideicomiso Antártico, cuyos objetivos según lo establecido en los últimos puntos del acuerdo -entre otros proyectos- que ya se viene desarrollando es poner en marcha la construcción del Complejo Portuario Multipropósito de Caleta La Misión, con sus obras complementarias de servicios y nexos, así como crear el Polo Logístico Antártico.
Otros objetivos son el desarrollo, construcción e implementación que incluye el proyecto de traslado de la Base Naval Ushuaia, mediante el cual se transformarán actuales terrenos pertenecientes a la Armada Argentina en sectores de viviendas para uso civil y viviendas para personal de la Armada, así como el desarrollo de la infraestructura necesaria en el sector de la bahía de Ushuaia destinado a la construcción del muelle del Polo Logístico Antártico y su infraestructura que asegure las condiciones logísticas de servicios suficientes y necesarias para que tanto nuestro país como otras naciones, organizaciones y particulares que se dedican a desarrollar investigaciones en la Antártida puedan hacer uso de las mismas, fortaleciendo el papel que la ciudad de Ushuaia que viene desempeñando como “Puerta de entrada a la Antártida”.
Estas obras permitirán consolidar y aumentar el potencial turístico de la zona, además de la incidencia que tendrá desde el punto de vista geopolítico. Constituir la Playa de contenedores en el puerto de Ushuaia. Lograr la Modernización y readecuación del Puerto de Ushuaia, con obras, cuya concreción darán posibilidad al mejor desarrollo productivo y turístico de la provincia Y la construcción del Puerto pesquero en Almanza.
Joint Navy PierThe Armada Argentina sign an agreement to build a logistics hub Antarctic
14/02/2012( M. Borchers, Buenos Aires - The Ministry of Defence will sign with other institutions in the country this February, an agreement that will aim to address the technical and scientific cooperation and academic to carry out the construction in the coming months a joint Navy Pier at the eastern tip of the peninsula of Ushuaia.According to the Navy Argentina, sign the document, the Defence Minister, Dr. Arturo Puricelli by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires (FI-UBA), Carlos Alberto Rosito, Minister of Planning and Public Services , Architect Julio De Vido, the governor of the province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica, Argentina and South Atlantic Islands, Fabiana Rios, the director of the National Antarctic Memolli Dr. Mariano Arnaldo and authorities of the Ministry of Transportation and the Nation Secretariat for Ports and Waterways.Construction of new pier will have a dual function, that is to serve both the albegar to cruises and transatlantic travel southernmost Atlantic waters and for the strategic implementation of the International Antarctic Logistics Polo and the future relocation of the Naval Base Ushuaia Almirante Berisso.Design features of mixed spring, which will form a complex multimodal, will provide services and mooring of vessels that are currently part of the Southern Naval Area and Navy Argentina, and vessels of all friendly countries of Argentina engagedlogistical and scientific in Antarctica.One of the main objectives of the future pier also is to serve as a permanent seat for rompehielosARA 'Alte. Irizar ', once it has been repaired / upgraded and log back in office. For the implementation of this strategic plan, from the Argentine Antarctic Trust set up, the objectives as set out in the last points of the agreement, among other projects, which already is being developed is to launch the construction of the Port Complex Multipurpose Caleta La Mission, with its complementary works and service connections, and create the Pole Antarctic Logistics.Other objectives are the development, construction and implementation that includes the proposed relocation of the Naval Ushuaia, through which the current transform the grounds of the Naval Argentina in areas of housing for civil use and housing for Navy personnel and developing the necessary infrastructure in the area of the Bay of Ushuaia for the construction of the spring Antarctic Polar Logistics and infrastructure to ensure the logistics necessary and sufficient service for both our country and other nations, organizations and individuals working to develop research in Antarctica can make use of them, reinforcing the role that the city of Ushuaia which has been playing as "Gateway to Antarctica".These works will consolidate and increase the tourism potential of the area, as well as the impact will be from the geopolitical point of view. Containers form the beach at the port of Ushuaia. Achieve modernization and upgrading of the Port of Ushuaia, with works whose realization will give the best possible productive development and tourism in the province and the construction of fishing port in Almanza.
14/02/2012( M. Borchers, Buenos Aires - The Ministry of Defence will sign with other institutions in the country this February, an agreement that will aim to address the technical and scientific cooperation and academic to carry out the construction in the coming months a joint Navy Pier at the eastern tip of the peninsula of Ushuaia.According to the Navy Argentina, sign the document, the Defence Minister, Dr. Arturo Puricelli by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires (FI-UBA), Carlos Alberto Rosito, Minister of Planning and Public Services , Architect Julio De Vido, the governor of the province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica, Argentina and South Atlantic Islands, Fabiana Rios, the director of the National Antarctic Memolli Dr. Mariano Arnaldo and authorities of the Ministry of Transportation and the Nation Secretariat for Ports and Waterways.Construction of new pier will have a dual function, that is to serve both the albegar to cruises and transatlantic travel southernmost Atlantic waters and for the strategic implementation of the International Antarctic Logistics Polo and the future relocation of the Naval Base Ushuaia Almirante Berisso.Design features of mixed spring, which will form a complex multimodal, will provide services and mooring of vessels that are currently part of the Southern Naval Area and Navy Argentina, and vessels of all friendly countries of Argentina engagedlogistical and scientific in Antarctica.One of the main objectives of the future pier also is to serve as a permanent seat for rompehielosARA 'Alte. Irizar ', once it has been repaired / upgraded and log back in office. For the implementation of this strategic plan, from the Argentine Antarctic Trust set up, the objectives as set out in the last points of the agreement, among other projects, which already is being developed is to launch the construction of the Port Complex Multipurpose Caleta La Mission, with its complementary works and service connections, and create the Pole Antarctic Logistics.Other objectives are the development, construction and implementation that includes the proposed relocation of the Naval Ushuaia, through which the current transform the grounds of the Naval Argentina in areas of housing for civil use and housing for Navy personnel and developing the necessary infrastructure in the area of the Bay of Ushuaia for the construction of the spring Antarctic Polar Logistics and infrastructure to ensure the logistics necessary and sufficient service for both our country and other nations, organizations and individuals working to develop research in Antarctica can make use of them, reinforcing the role that the city of Ushuaia which has been playing as "Gateway to Antarctica".These works will consolidate and increase the tourism potential of the area, as well as the impact will be from the geopolitical point of view. Containers form the beach at the port of Ushuaia. Achieve modernization and upgrading of the Port of Ushuaia, with works whose realization will give the best possible productive development and tourism in the province and the construction of fishing port in Almanza.
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